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/ All Our Yesterdays 1: Portraits / All Our Yesterdays 1: Portraits.iso / mac / CONTENT / User Guide / Page m19.tiff (.png) < prev    next >
Tagged Image File Format  |  1995-08-25  |  381KB  |  486x648  |  4-bit (16 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | earth | microwave | poster | reckoner | sky
OCR: Uevecoer's 8BIM Figune 14 Usingthe Rifectml Release the control when you see the thumbnailyou want. When you release the Riffle control, Kudo will show the thumbnails that surround the one you chose Kudo highlights the thumbnail that you chose your reactions are slower than Kudo's Riffle option when you release the Riffle control, you will select thumbnail that is a few franes away from the one you war ted Kudo scrolls the catalog the appropriate location and displays the surrounding thumbnails. Kudo will throug gh the catalog until you release the control or un til it reaches the end of the catalog With the Riffle feature you can forwa ard the end of the catalog or vou can zoom backward to the beginning To view the entire catalog start from the beginning Controlling the Riffle Speed and D ...